Tuesday, December 9, 2008

First version of the standard to accelerate the programs through the video card.

Khronos Group has released the official specifications of the standard OpenCL 1.0, support which enables programmers to use the computing power of multicore systems, including graphics accelerators.
It is expected that one of the first operating systems that support OpenCL, will be Snow Leopard corporation Apple. The company announced support OpenCL even six months ago. OpenCL will significantly accelerate the implementation of programs.
In addition, there will be challenges that previously could not be implemented because of lack of computing power. For example, voice recognition system learn to read lips, the operating system can recognize a person or to monitor the situation in the hands of the user space to spare him from having to use a mouse.
Standard OpenCL support 3Dabs, Activision Blizzard, AMD, ARM, Electronic Arts, Nvidia, Nokia, Motorola, IBM, Intel and other companies. Previously, AMD and Nvidia, the main producers of video, trying to develop their own programming languages to use power graphics processor - Brook + and CUDA.
Inclusion of support OpenCL in Windows 7 has not yet been scheduled.

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