Monday, January 26, 2009

IT-company reduced because of the crisis, almost 200 thousand people.

KommentariiVseobschaya optimizatsiya22.01.2009IT company began to publish financial reports Crisis January 2009, companies working in IT-field, fired 80,076 people, reports TechCrunch. Since August 2008, the state of IT-companies declined by 195 856 people.
More than a third of all a result of a decrease in January, IT-specialists - are members of the U.S. Circuit City, stated in November 2008 bankruptcy. In connection with the closing of the last of its stores were laid off 34 thousand people.
Last week, became aware of the reductions in a number of major IT-companies. For example, Sun Microsystems had dismissed a 1300 people. Microsoft dismiss five thousand people in one and a half years. Intel will close its five factories and dismiss at least five thousand people.
Also in January, it was reported that five thousand people will be dismissed from the company Ericsson. One hundred and management staff reduced Google. IBM dismissed from their Canadian office a little less than three thousand people.

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