Monday, March 2, 2009

Panasonic has learned to print OLED-panel.

The company Panasonic Electric Works, a unit of Japanese corporations Panasonic, at the Printable Electronics in Tokyo, announced a new technology developed by a panel of organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), writes TechRadar.
To manufacture the panel was used to print, which the developers referred to as "slit coating method. Details of the method of publication does not, however, notes that the new panel in the future could reduce the price of production of televisions.
New bar on the quality similar to or better than normal. They scored 95 points on an index of color, while the other fluorescent development that ranges from 50 to 80.
Working on similar technology, the Japanese engineers Corporation Toshiba, who are trying to create teleoboi - paper that can be turned into a screen. At the core of their design is also based on organic light-emitting diodes. Teleoboi different from today's low power technologies.

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