Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Steve Dzhobsa correspondence to the Board of Directors re-Disney.

SyuzhetyBolezn Steve Dzhobsa26.02.2009Aktsionery Apple correspondence re Dzhobsa to the board of Apple, Steve direktorovGlava Dzhobs was re-elected in the Board of Directors of Disney at the next meeting of shareholders of the company, writes ZDNet. This is Dzhobs at a meeting of shareholders was not.
That will re Dzhobs to the board of directors, despite the state of health. it became known on 19 January. During a meeting of shareholders Correspondent MarketWatch said Dzhobs allegedly came to the meeting. Later this information was denied.
From 14 January Dzhobs is in the six-month leave of absence due to illness. It is the largest co-owner of Disney, he has a 7.4 percent stake. Steve Dzhobs is on the Board of Directors since the spring of 2006, when he sold his studio Disney Pixar. The company, he plays the role of advisor on technical issues director Bob Disney Igera.
Apple Shareholders February 25, also correspondence re Steve Dzhobsa to the board of directors of the corporation.

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