Thursday, March 12, 2009

Scientists have learned how to charge the batteries for a few seconds.

Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has succeeded in developing a material that allows charged lithium-ion batteries for 10-20 seconds, said in an official press release, MIT. An article about the opening of published in the journal Nature.
Lithium-ion power supplies are widely used in portable devices such as mobile phones and laptops. These batteries have high capacity, but their charge takes several hours.
Previously, scientists believed that the charge responsible for the long slow lithium ions. Computer calculations have shown that they, by contrast, must move very quickly. Soon it was discovered that lithium ions can actually move quickly, but it is necessary that the ion with the surface was in a "tunnel" of material.
Scientists, figuratively speaking, was able to create a "ring road" for the lithium ions that allow them to move along the surface until they do not fall into the "tunnel."
Material itself was opened five years ago, and now researchers have only changed the method of its manufacture. Is expected that the sale of new batteries come in two to three years.

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