Sunday, January 11, 2009

Intel has developed a processor for inexpensive ultrathin laptops.

Company Intel has developed a processor designed for installation in the ultra low-cost laptops, said Cnet News. Officially, the new chip will be presented during the year.
The new Intel chips will be installed in laptops, the thickness of not more than 25 millimeters, but the price - one and a half thousand dollars. This is significantly more expensive netbukov, but less powerful modern ultraportativnyh decisions. Thus, computers based on Intel's new chip will take an intermediate place between netbukami and ultraportativnymi laptops.
Intel representatives have stressed that their new chip would not compete with a processor Atom. The latter is the basis of most netbukov whose value is generally not exceed $ 500.
The main competitor to Intel's new processor will anonsirovannaya at CES 2009 platform Yukon and processor Athlon Neo, developed by AMD. They are designed for installation in ultraportativnye notebooks cost from 700 to 1400 dollars.

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