Sunday, January 11, 2009

Europe outlaw large plasma televisions.

Production and sales of popular plasma TVs with great power may be banned in Europe in spring of this year. The program to combat climate change, European countries will bring new standards of energy consumption for this type of household devices, the British The Independent.
According to the publication of the Ministry of Environment, Food and Agriculture of the United Kingdom, the planned measures will contribute to the disappearance of the sale of energy-inefficient televisions, and a new marking system will allow customers to choose TVs with the lowest consumption of electricity.
According to the publication, plasma TV with 42-inch screen, on average, consumes about 822 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year, while LCD TV of similar size consumes just 350 kilowatt-hours per year.
Over the past 30 years, the number of electrical appliances in the average British household has increased from 17 to 47, while consumption of energy has more than doubled. The Ministry believes that a significant proportion of the growth of energy consumption accounted for more than 60 million in household TVs.
Such steps also being developed by other governments, including the United States, where 275 million television sets consume in a year as much electricity as coal-fired power plants produce ten.

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