Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sun reduced its 1300 people.

KommentariiVseobschaya optimizatsiya22.01.2009IT companies have begun to publish the financial crisis otchetyKompaniya Sun Microsystems dismissed 1300 people, reports Computerworld. Total reductions to be covered under the six thousand employees Sun.
About future employment at Sun Microsystems was obyavileno in November last year. It affected staff all levels, including directors and vice presidents.
A reduction of 15-18 per cent is part of a restructuring of Sun Microsystems during the economic crisis. It was expected that the restructuring will allow the company to save between 700 to 800 million dollars a year.
Earlier on the reduction of staff in connection with the crisis optimization has already announced a number of companies. For example, Microsoft dismiss five thousand people in one and a half years. Intel will close its five factories and dismiss at least five thousand people.
We at Sun Microsystems is one of the world's largest manufacturers of servers and workstations. Sun is also known as the developer of operating systems based on the kernel Linux, Java platform and the party to project

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