Thursday, February 5, 2009

Your future gathered from the web camera, cell phone and projector.

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT) have developed a device which allows to turn any surface into touchscreen, informs AFP.
The cost of parts, which comprise the unit is about $ 300. Among them, a web camera, mobile phone and a projector, powered by batteries.
The developers have stressed that their device produces the desktop on any surface. This allows you to manage them using only one hand, as did Tom Cruise in the movie "Opinion."
Created by MIT device allows you to make pictures, but this user would have to hand to identify the frame boundaries. Also, it can be used to differentiate products on display, and provide detailed information about them.
In addition, a new development at MIT is able to go online. Accordingly, the user can retrieve any information from the web, or download data.
Will begin mass production of the device, which the creators are compared with the sixth sense, are not reported. Developers underline that over such a device is still a lot of work. They admit that, after ten years it would be an analogue implant to the brain.

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