Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Japanese have accused IBM of forcing employees to the dismissal.

Japanese trade union accused the JMIMWU American company IBM that it coerces employees of its unit in Japan to apply for dismissal, reported AFP. According to the union, thus the company is trying to reduce staff by 2.5 thousand people in order to reduce costs. IBM itself is a statement refuted.
As alleged in JMIMWU, in October 2008 Book-Japan IBM received a letter with a request to reduce staff by 15 per cent. Initially, IBM has asked some employees to voluntarily apply the dismissal, but when it does not work, then start to threaten significantly reduced premiums. In addition, some of them were obviously impossible task.
According to union requests for voluntary dismissal were about 3 thousand people, while 400 of them are forced to apply. The men fled in the past few weeks.
The Japanese labor law prohibits reduce staff without a valid reason for it. In doing so, the employer is required to personally explain the reason for his dismissal officer. As explained AFP, for this reason that Japanese firms prefer to reduce costs by eliminating the services of freelance workers.

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