Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Roaming "megaphone" went out of the crisis.

KommentariiMobilnye pokupki26.12.2008 MegaFon first bought a cellular operator for rubezhomKompaniya MegaFon, the third-largest mobile phone operator in Russia, with 10 Feb., 2009 will increase the cost of international roaming services. The fact that MegaFon is the first mobile operator in the country, to increase prices because of the crisis, the PRIME-TASS.
Change the value associated with the sharp decline in rate of major currencies - the dollar and the euro, which set tariffs for roaming. The representative of "MegaFon" confirmed correspondent Lenty.Ru "that increase the cost of roaming in fact happen. Update on Tariffs should appear on the site on 10 February.
According to the Agency, the new tariffs for roaming services would be raised by about 25 per cent. Nevertheless, in MegaFon did not confirm this information and do not call the new pricing.
It should be noted that in late January at one of its regional sites MegaFon has published information on changes in the value of roaming for subscribers of the regions of Russia.
The representatives of "Vympelcom" (trade mark Beeline) and MTS said the agency, which has not yet decided to increase the cost of roaming.

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