Friday, February 6, 2009

American has created a cardboard computer.

American designer Brandon Makaluso (Brenden Macaluso) developed a computer corpus of which is made of cardboard, reports Engadget. He called Recompute and will be presented at the Greener Gadgets Design Competition, which will be held in late February in New York.
In the body of a desktop PC Recompute neither metal nor plastic. It consists of corrugated cardboard. This significantly reduces the cost of production of the shell, making it environmentally friendly and easily recycled.
In addition, the board does not preclude the circulation of air inside that allows you to effectively cool the components. If necessary, in a cardboard casing can be easily carried out additional air vents.
Inside cardboard shell Brandon Makaluso installed Intel Core 2 Duo processors and two gigabytes of RAM. Also, the computer Recompute eight USB ports and other standard connectors.
Note that the creator Recompute calls its device more fireproof than conventional PCs in a plastic casing. He stressed that the temperature of combustion and ignition of cardboard make up 258 and 427 degrees Celsius respectively, and plastic melts already at 120 degrees Celsius.

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