Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Apple Mac-presented creators clones new charges.

Apple launched new charges against the company Psystar, producing clones of computers Mac, reports Computerworld. Now the manufacturer of Mac-clones additionally charged in the burglary anti-piracy protection of the operating system Mac OS X, which violates U.S. law on copyright protection (DMCA).
Apple contends that in order to circumvent the protection Psystar acquired or developed a special code, which now passes to others. According to Apple, hacking to protect the operating system involves not only Psystar. However, while such charges no longer made.
The company produces computers Psystar Open Computer, which are running Mac OS X. Apple considered this a violation of its license agreement and filed for Psystar to court, accusing the latter of copyright infringement.
Lawyers Psystar filed a counterclaim in which the accused Apple of violating antitrust laws, and demanded to revoke the existing license agreement Apple. This claim was rejected by the court for lack of evidence.

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